Friday, January 30, 2009

Windows 7 and shortsighted people

Increasingly I’ve been reading more and more about Windows 7 and how it has grabbed the attention of even the staunchest Apple advocates such as Walt Mossberg, David Pogue, and Leo Laporte each conveying that they not only feel it is better than Vista but that they haven’t found any show-stopping flaws.  Leo Laporte even goes as far on his podcasts to promote a campaign to release Windows 7 now since in his experience he has evaluated it as shipping ready quality.

While it is widely held that Windows 7 is an improvement over Windows Vista I am prompted to point out that just because you feel it’s ready doesn’t mean the company writing the code should listen and obey.  Microsoft understands what went wrong with the way Vista was handled and has made drastic improvements in how they organize and deploy their efforts for 7.  This alteration in work ethic has lead to this very good beta product, but remember it is only beta.

I am very excited to see 7 launch but not at the expense of Microsoft bending to those vocal proponents and sacrificing more time for testers and the coders at Microsoft to smooth and polish the product. 

With that said, no amount of testing will ever make a perfect product and keeping a product in a perpetual testing phase in hopes that it will make it better is foolish.  Windows 7 needs to be released this year, but not just yet.

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